Master Made continues to knock it out of the park with Destruction Scorpion.

Producer: Master Made

Price: Approx. $199.99 USD

Release Date: Jan. 2017

Item Height: Approx. 9″

Item Weight: N/A

WHERE TO BUY: Lunar Toy Store

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Master Made continues their fantastic Mega Series with SDT-04 Destruction Scorpion. The biggest of the line so far, Destruction Scorpion is the first “headmaster” (the head transforms into a separate robot) of the series. It also introduces gimmicks like a huge, multi-articulated tail/stinger and scorpion bots which from mandibles giving him an option of three or five fingers per hand, while maintaining staples like an bright LED in the chest. Being a headmaster, this one does forgo the moveable mouth and LEDs and the eyes seen in previous releases Titan and Apollo. It reads like a good amount of gimmickry to give up but it’s nothing when you see how poseable the headmaster (“Zarak” from The Transformers “Headmasters” series) is! It scales perfectly with the other miniatures that came with the previous entries (Titan/Ultra Magnus, Diabolous Rex/Megatron, Apollo/Optimus Prime,) and even has a fan-mode reminiscent of the mech Lagann of “Gurren Lagann.”

It has the smooth feel of the plastics, weightiness in hand, and general design cues like the Gundam-esque tampoing of the previous entries, while having a size and color scheme that makes it not only stand out amongst the others in this toyline, but a toy collection in general.

Overall Score: 9.0/10 – Master Made, even at their base standard, is a top-rung company on the 3rd Party Transformers ladder and Destruction Scorpion raises their bar even farther. What I love about Master Made is that they’re making products at such a high quality that these could easily attract collectors of other high-end, non-Transformers toylines like Bandai and Sen-ti-nel diecast lines, etc.. I don’t even need a full set of fingers to count the companies who’s products I’ll buy without hesistation just because they’re producing, and Master Made is one of them. Destruction Scorpion is a must-have for both Transformers collectors and toy fans in general.

Check out the gallery below, and if you like what you see, order yours at Lunar Toy Store.

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