Goddamnit, I’m going to start collecing MPs now.

Producer: DX9 Toys

Price: Approx. $129.99

Release Date: Sept. 2016

Item Height: Approx. 9.25″

Item Weight: Approx. .2 lbs


overview white

DX9’s D-09 Mightron has actually been in hand for a few weeks but Is held off on reviewing it because generally, I’m not a “Masterpiece” guy. Add that in with the fact that I find “Megatron” toy homages to normally include transformation sequences that borderline piss me off, and you had something that I really didn’t want to be bothered with. However, when I did get around to Mightron I found myself not only surprised, but impressed enough to really start converting my collection over to Masterpiece-scaled figures.

At about 9.25″ tall, It’s good to see that he scales well with MP-10 (9″.) His overall design style is really good in my opinion, particularly in the head and face sculpting. If that “G1” styled Megatron is what you’re looking for, then I really think that this does a good job of homaging that particular look while not being totally slavish. One part that I went over in the video that I was a bit let down by was the hands. After the fantastic hands on Gewalt, it was hard to go back to a “slightly above average” styling with Mightron. I also wish that there was something to lock his chest onto the abdomen area; the friction holds it together well, but when posing him, the chest does tend to slide up at times. To round out my “cons”, I wish the thighs were a bit more wide but I understand why they are so due to the transformation. People have talked about not liking the face that the front parts of the lower legs aren’t curve and while I see where they’re coming from with that being a “staple” feature of Megatron homages, it doesn’t bug me at all.

The weapons it comes with are his trademark mace as well as a variation of his Energon sword which converts into a scythe (yes; it’s awesome.) He of course also has his arm blaster which has a push-button LED on the front.

The transformation sequence of it (shown in the video portion) meets a good mixture of having complexity mixed with user-friendliness. There weren’t any parts where I felt like things weren’t budging, were going to break, etc. etc.. It’s all very straightforward and the instructions are actually well-done.

The gun mode itself is decent. It’s based on the iconic Walther P28 (albeit loosely.) Although it doesn’t come with the stock or barrel extension, it does have a blatant place for the stock to go, so I’d be very surprised if those add-ons aren’t either included with the final product or released separately at a later time.

Overall Score: 8.0/10 – This figure is damned good. Although it’s not “perfect” I definitely wouldn’t argue if someone decided to use it as theor definitive Megatron at this scale. For me personally, there’s no contest between this and Apollyon in terms of looks, and there’s no discussion to be had about which has better quality. Where it’s going to get interesting is when Maketoys’ Despotron drops because at that point we’ll have two companies with great fan support and rapport and two very solid iterations.

Dx9 has laid down the gauntlet and I feel like those who get this one won’t be disappointed. As much as a company like Fanstoys is held highly, DX9 has really become that company for me with Masterpiece-scale that I’ve come to trust for pieces with a solid build, attractive designs, and really nice, intuitive transformations.

Is this the definitive, end-all-be-all in terms of Masterpiece Megatrons? Honestly, as good as it is, I don’t think so. However, it’s definitely worth the $130 and makes both a great display piece and just a fun toy to play around with. Part of my hesitation on going “all-in” in terms of collecting Masterpiece figures has always been the overall complexity of the figures. Dx9 has been doing a great job of alleviating that feeling.

Check out the gallery below and if you like what you see, order your DX9 D-09 Mightron at TFSource!

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