Leonidas is back with a more throwback design and one helluva’ sword.

Producer: Perfect Effect

Price: Approx. $259 USD

Release Date: Sept. 2017

Item Height: Approx. 8.25″

Item Weight: 1.1 lbs

WHERE TO BUY: The Chosen Prime

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Perfect Effect has “re” released their Leonidas figure with an “Origin” version featuring a design that homages the original Lio Convoy Character and figure more as well as the inclusion of a new, giant sword. With Origin Leonidas being pretty dead-on to the originally released Leonidas in terms of functionality, there’s no need for another, in-depth review but the video portion as well as the gallery below show off the topical differences as well as a side-by-side between the Origin and originally released Leonidas. Although it was rectified decently with polish, It’s admittedly a letdown to see loose hips on the third release of this mold; outside of that, I feel that Origin Leonidas looks and feels like a pretty solid release.

Overall Score: 8.0/10 – Origin Leonidas is a nice restyling of one of Perfect Effect’s best offerings. The look is killer, the colors are awesome, and that sword is just something else. If you haven’t picked up a version of the Leonidas then this is the one I’d recommend, but even if you already own one, I’d say that this is definitely different enough to warrant buying again. Origin Leonidas gets a recommendation from me, but just have some polish of sorts ready to strengthen the balljoints in his hips!

Check out the gallery below, and make sure to orders yours at The Chosen Primee.

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