Perfect Effect does what Perfect Effect does with their latest; Beast Gorira.

Producer: Perfect Effect

Price: Approx. $169.99 USD

Release Date: Mar. 2017

Item Height: Approx. 9.5″

Item Weight: N/A


Robot Kingdom

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Perfect Effect keeps their image in tact with their latest piece, Beast Gorira. This homage to the Transformers character Optimus Primal in his “Optimal Optimus” form. I enjoy Cybertronian (robotic) animal stylings on Transformers and this is one of my favorite designs in general from that style, so Gorira hits a lot of sweet spots for me in general. However, this is also a pretty great all-around toy and I loved being able to go over this one and shoot. Check out my video/written thoughts and gallery and let me know what you think of this one.

Overall Score: 8.5/10 – Perfect Effect doesn’t release singular figures at the same rate of other companies but when they do it’s almost a guarantee that it’s going to be a contender for 3rd-Party Transformer of the year. Gorira is no different and I think it can even be argued that it ups the game. Although Gorira lacks in some of the heavier plastics and diecast that the previously-released Warden and Leonidas do, it manages to use the lighter weight to be a more articulated and fun-to-play with piece than both. I also like what they did with the general design in terms of keeping the sheer essence of Optimal Optimus while fixing some glaring deficiencies of the cartoon (CGI) design like the proportions. The alt. modes are also much better looking than the television model to the point where I am most definitely buying a second Gorira A.S.A.P. to display in its gorilla alt. mode. Whether you’re a fan of Beast Wars or not, I strongly recommend Gorira. It’s crazy good and I’m really hoping for a “Primal Prime” repaint down the road.

Check out the gallery below, and if you like what you see, order yours at TFSource or Robot Kingdom.

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