Apocalypse is already a front-runner for 3rd-Party TF of the year.

Producer: Planet X

Price: Approx. $.354.99 USD

Release Date: Mar. 2016

Item Height: Approx. 13″ (T-Rex mode)

Item Weight: N/A

WHERE TO BUY: The Chosen Prime

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Planet X went for the Hail Mary pass and got the T.D. with their latest piece Apocalypse. Above I take a look at it on video, and at the bottom there’s a gallery showing off the different modes as well as things like size comparisons.

Overall Score: 9.0/10 – This isn’t Planet X’s first run in the “Citybot” area, but they absolutely knocked Apocalypse out of park. It’s not only an extremely great looking piece, but it’s got strong plastics and ratchet joints to accomadate the pretty massive size and heft on it. The articulation is outstanding and he’s fun to pose around. These are definitely my favorite alt. modes on any citybot yet and transformation becomes a breeze after doing it a few times. Honestly, the only real thing I would have changed is the light system. The manually-placed bulbs look great and are cost-effective but It can become inconvenient to take each of the up to 10 on display at a time back out where maybe switches would be something quick. I also understand that this would lead to things like wiring and whatnot that could potentially negatively effect other things like articulation so I’m not going to mark the product down for it. Overall, Apocalypse is fantastic and by far my favorite Trypticon design ever (It’s a direct homage to the “War For Cybertron” design.) I highly recommend this one.

Check out the gallery below, and if you like what you see, order yours at The Chosen Prime.

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