Sculpt Lab Productions showed what happens when a toy company takes a lemon and makes absolute Gold with this awesome homage to Huckebein Mk II from Super Robot Wars!

Producer: Sculpt Lab Productions

Price: Approx. $155

Release Date: Nov. 2018

Item Height: Approx. 7.25″

Item Weight: N/A

WHERE TO BUY: Show Z Store

overview white

A few years back a company named MetalSaga released a product called Vanishing Trooper Mk II. This homage to the Huckebein Mk II from the Super Robot Wars anime and games honestly looked fantastic but the quality was nothing short of a nightmare (Check out the video portion… it can’t even stand on its own.) A lot of times when companies start off to such a bad start you see them either disappear or continue to make shoddy work just trying to stay afloat, but this company actually took some time away, partnered with some other designers, and really worked towards putting out a better product. In fact, they went well beyond better and put out a new homage to HuckeBein Mk II that I feel is absolutely fantastic. Now using the moniker Sculpt Lab Productions, they’ve brought us Perisoreus Internigrans; an homage to both the Huckebein Mk II AND the Huckebein Mass Production (MP) Mk II.

Presentation: The box for the main figure is very simple on the front; black with gloss black, embossed block letters stating the name. On the back, there is lineart of the product as well as specs. It comes with an additional, smaller box labeled “ASKR YGGDRASSIL” (Which is Norse for “ash tree” and in its mythology representative of connecting different cosmos and rebirth which makes a ton of sense when you see its function in the accessories section.) In each box, all pieces are nicely packed into their plastic clamshells.

Build: Perisoreus Internigrans is an equivalent piece to the Bandai Tamashii Metal Build series and built the same way with a nice diecast frame (skeleton) and strong plastics making up the shell-style aesthetic of the robot it represents. The joints are friction-based and extremely firm while moving very smoothly. It’s extremely well done.

Accessories: Perisoreus Internigrans comes with quite a bit of “stuff.” having weapons and whatnot for both the Mass Production MK II and MK II versions of its Huckebein forms. Their are a variety of hands which it uses no matter what, but for the Mass Production form this comes packed in as, there’s the backpack with detachable sabers, two types of saber blades (normal/light, and ones conveying a sense of motion which is very different and cool.) Its assault rifle is also included.

The biggest accessory that this comes with is actually the Askr Yggdrasil which is a sentinent flight/attack piece that disassembles and becomes the head, back/flight pack, shoulders, and BFG (Big F*cking Gun) for Perisoreus Internigrans to change from the Mass Production form into the traditional Huckebein Pt II we all know and love.

Also included for use with either form is a forearm attachment which

Articulation: The articulation on this one is awesome and honestly pretty much equivalent to the Metal Build Gundams. Even though the Perisoreus Internigrans has a lot of articulation points I should not that he’s a very “leggy’ piece in terms of them being lengthy compared to his torso and it makes some poses like the “Iron Man/landing” pose pretty awkward looking.

Overall Score: 9.0/10 – Sculpt Labs really did a great job with this piece. Perisoreus Internigrans is such a strong piece that I really hope that they take on more Super Robot Wars characters as I don’t think the Huckebein Mk II (and MP MK II) has gotten this great of a representation in toy form previously nor do I think it will in the future. A strong recommendation from me not only for a stellar piece but supporting more **nice** Super Robot Wars collectibles. There’s nothing wrong with model kits and the like which there are plenty of and still ongoing but things like this are a whole other level and cater to a different type of collector which doesn’t really have much to represent this series. Honestly, if I had one things I’d add it’d just be a pair of hands solely dedicated to holding only the sabers because both of the open hands are made around the guns and have the index finger slightly out further to cup around the trigger pieces.

Check out a few pictures of these in the gallery, and if you like what you see don’t forget to order your Sculpt Lab Productions Perisoreus Internigrans at Show Z Store!

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