Sen-ti-nel keeps the 4inch-nel line alive and well with this great Megaman X figure.

Producer: Sen-ti-nel

Price: Approx. $40 USD

Release Date: Dec. 2016

Item Height: Approx. 4″

Item Weight: N/A


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The latest in the Sen-ti-nel 4inch-nel line is here and thankfully it’s my personal favorite Megaman (Rockman) version in Megaman X. This is the most game-accurate Megaman X toy I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen quite a few. It literally looks like the old sprite jumped out of the screen and onto your table. The articulation is also fantastic as there really aren’t any poses that it can’t hit. As stated in the video review, I do wish that there was more downward tilt to the feat for the magnetic feet gimmick, but it’s still a fun piece to pose. Speaking of which, the magnetic feet are really fun (it’s a throwback to the games in that he can cling to walls.)

My only “gripes” with this piece are the size and lack of accessories. The 4inch-nel line is made around the standard of having every figure literally be 4″ tall. It’s not a bad size, but where the problem comes in is that you have all of these Megaman characters that are now out of scale with each other (ie; Megaman X is the same height as Classic Megaman when he should be significantly taller.) It’s one of those situations where you know what you’re getting into when you invest into the line, but when you have the figures side-by-side it’s hard not to want that better scaling even if it isn’t realistic. In terms of accessories, it honestly comes with the core stuff that he “needs” but it’d be cool to have some things like blast effects even if they’re not something used often because they do make for nice pictures and displays. Hopefully there are some add-ons for Megaman X later down the line.

Overall Score: 8.0/10 – Superficial nitpicks aside, this is a solid piece and incredibly fun to play with. There are other toys homages to Megaman X that I feel are higher quality toys (at significantly higher prices,) however if it’s a game-accurate Megaman X design you’re looking for, I truly don’t think that there’s a better choice out there. I’m looking forward to seeing what this line has coming up in terms of Megaman characters. I’m really hoping that more Robot Masters and possible Maverick Hunters are planned.

Check out the gallery below, and if you like what you see, order yours at Amiami.

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