Joe The Condor joins the fight!

Producer: Sentinel Co. Japan

Price: 7,2220 JPY

Release: Nov. 2015

Height: Approx. 7.0″


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This is a direct repaint of Sen-Ti-Nel’s previously release Gatchaman figure which you can see reviewed in depth by clicking this link. The differences are the blaster as well as the feather weapon which mine did not come with (I’ve emailed the retailer to attempt to get it sent and will update the review and gallery once it’s in.) It’s a solid piece and the quality of the joints has continued to increase significantly with each release but now I look back at my Polymar from this line and honestly just feel that it’s wasted money due to quality control that blatantly wasn’t in place at that time but is now.

I also have to note that after this Gatchaman release, I don’t know if I’ll be continuing with this line. They are all retools of the single body and it’s getting fairly exhausting reviewing what’s essentially the same toy every month.

Overall Score: 7.5/10

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