TungMung keeps the Digi-dream alive with TM-02 Duke-X!

Producer: Tung Mung EX

Price: Approx. $130 USD

Release Date: Sept. 2018

Where to Buy: Show Z Store)

Item Height: Approx. 7.75″

Item Weight: N/A

Batteries: N/A

WHERE TO BUY: Show Z Store

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Tung Mung EX are proving that they’re the Digimon heroes we deserve with the second release in their TM line, TungMung-02 Duke-X. This Metal-Build-styled homage to Dukemon-X is pretty darned fantastic and makes just as impressive of a display as the previously released/reviewed Omega-X. Check out the video above and of course my written thoughts/gallery below and let me know what you think in the comments. It’d be cool to see more people jump on these.

Presentation: The box is the exact same style and layout as Omega-X but featuring read colors and of course a picture of Duke-X’s chest on one side rather than Omega-X’s. Like Omega-X, Duke-X comes in two boxes with limbs being mixed in between the two. Everything is packaged very securely in their plastic clamshells.

Build: Just like Omega-X, Duke-X is made of a diecast frame with a strong, plastic shell to make up the aesthetic of the character. Everything is well done besides the cover on the back which needs to be taken out to reveal the hole for the stand peg; mine was extremely tight and needed to be pried off which resulted in some minor scuffing on the paint in that area.

Accessories: Duke-X comes with a stand along with his insanely-large shield and his lancer. Both weapons attach and hold well without any sort of unnecessary weight on the limbs/joints. The stand however on my copy does not peg in firmly to the hole in his back (Both stands peg into Omega-X fine) so it cannot be used which is unfortnate because Duke-X showed that these stands work really well for creating poses where feet aren’t touching.

Articulation: (Copying from the Omega-X review because they’re exactly the same in this area:) From double-jointed limbs to TRIPLE ab crunch, Duke-X is an articulation lover’s DREAM. The only problem that I really have is the fact that some of the joints are really tight and it makes turning them a bit scary at times. Overall though I’d rather have tight joints (they’re not tight to the point where you feel you’re going to break something) than loose.

Overall Score: 7.5/10 – Much like its predecessor, Duke-X continues this line with a great mixture of strong aesthetic, high-quality build, and awesome articulation. What keeps Duke-X from being as high of a score as Omega-X are the loose crest and pegging area for the stand as shown in the video portion. Although both of these are fairly minor it is a let down after receiving Omega-X which was pretty “perfect” in terms of quality from top-to-bottom. Regardless, Duke-X is a definite recommendation and a great value for the price.

Check out the gallery below and if you fancy one of your own check out Show Z Store and order yours!

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